Semi auto .44 mag
Semi auto .44 mag

semi auto .44 mag semi auto .44 mag

With an R&D by Harry Sanford and Max Gera that lasted more than a decade, this gun was perfected enough by 1969 to enter low rate production. Speaking of which, let’s talk about… The gun Indeed if you put the two rounds side by side, they look identical except the Auto Mag is rimless so that it could be fed and extracted through a very specially designed semi-auto pistol. This gives the round almost the exact performance envelope of a.

semi auto .44 mag

Lee Jurras, the man behind Super-Vel ammo and the father of the modern hollow point, was a big fan of the round when it came out, but we’ll get to that later. Indeed the round is still traveling at more than 1300fps at 100-yards, delivering 931-ft/lbs of energy. Devised with hunting in mind, the round is capable of crippling shots on almost any size game at close to mid ranges.

Semi auto .44 mag